About Me
Free Samples
Short Pieces
Contemporary Romance
The Moreton Bay Series
Signed Sealed Delivered
The Italian's Challenge
Lady Hawk Chronicles
Historical Flavoured
Paranormal/fantasy/ Don't know what genre
Fallen Angels Series
Unbroken Vow
Fallen Angels Characters
Works in Progress
The Fallen Angels Series
This series of novellas and short stories are set in the same universe as the Lost Warriors. Somewhere the two will meet.
There are two separate but interwoven sub-series.
The Unbroken Vow
This is a series of short stories combined into an anthology. The stories can be read alone or looked on as a chapter of a larger work.
The premise of the stories is what if a given directive contravenes a previous given vow?
The main character is Lucifer and the series commences at the Fall.
Angels Refound
This series deals with lost angels and Nephilim who are
Fire works abound and the ladies leave their men floundering.
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