The mosaics were the pieces that really caught my eye and my attention.
These pieces are truly a visual delight and have given a new meaning to 'One man's trash is another man's treasure'. I have never seen so much bits of broken china and plateware (I do hope the artist scrounged the op-shops and local garbage tip and .did not buy the china. Smashing brand new china into pieces would break my heart.) woven into such vibrant and imaginative pieces.
Since becoming involved with visual artists, I am finding my own writing processes are developing and extending into other venues and down different avenues. Like visual art, there are many different forms of writing and each have their own set of skills and techniques. Where a writer can excel above the norm is by taking those skills and applying them to another area or form. For example, did you know that Lorna Doone (R.D. Blackmore) is written in Iambic Pentameter? (At least passages are). Nor did I until a few years ago.
I guess what I am saying is the same thing. Use what you know and use it in a different place. Lateral thinking is a term some people use for the exercise. Use adjectives, metaphors, similes etcetera in new ways. Have fun with words and their arrangements. Use places you've been to and transplant them into your writing. Who says that cosy little shack as to stay on the beach?
Until next time
Happy writing